Wooden Garage Doors can add a definitive character to the whole outlook of a house. Most styled garage doors attempt to replicate the look and feel of an actual wood garage door. However, before committing to wooden replacements for a regular metal door, it is imperative to understand a few critical points about wooden garage doors.
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Composite wood versus natural wood
The Wooden Door Panels used for garages are not made entirely out of wood. These doors are not even made of solid wooden boards. Wooden garage doors are made using sheets of hardwoods like cedar, cypress, or mahogany. The hardwood sheets are chosen because they are more resilient to damage due to moisture or infestation. The garage doors that are made using sheets are also more resilient to wood wrapping or draping.

Composite wood versus natural wood
Most composite wooden door panels used as a substitute for wooden doors are produced in factories. The manufacturing of composite wood starts with a wooden core covered in fiberboard. These fiberboards are made by making a mixture of synthetic resin with wood chips or fiber.
The core and fiberboard are then filled with insulation, and lastly, the entire boards are covered by a high-density outer coat to make the doors look more like natural wood while also making them more resilient to harsh weather conditions and insects.
Maintaining the wooden garage doors
At the time of manufacturing, wooden doors are treated specifically to make them resistant to rapid rotting, insect infestations, and wood wrapping or bending. These doors are also provided specific looks and finishes according to the client’s taste. However, they required vigilant maintenance to ensure they did not deteriorate quickly.

Maintaining the wooden garage doors
Maintaining a wooden garage door is an important task that needs to be done at least once every year. These beautiful doors need to be inspected periodically for any signs of rotting wood that may present themselves as soft spots on the surface of the door.
Also, keep a sharp eye out for any damage by termites or beetles, which might look like small holes in the door’s corners or alongside the hinges and joints. Wooden doors also required periodic repainting or re-staining to keep the outlook fresh.
Styling the wooden garage door panels
As the wooden doors come in various styles and colors, they can be stylized to complement any taste or specification. Whether it is a modern contemporary or a gothic-dated look; wooden garage door panels can be used to customize and design any look.

Styling the wooden garage door panels
The floating concave panels held inside a solid framing are one of the most commonly used garage door styles. Whereas monochrome, flat wooden garage doors that do not display any apparent paneling aside from windows are a perfect choice for an uber-modern home garage.
For a historical feel, the wooden panels can be used to design carriage-style garage doors that resemble the swing doors from cowboy-themed movies.
Choosing a stylized wooden panel garage door adds character and charm to the entire house.
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