A garage isn’t just a place to park vehicles. For many people, it serves as a workshop, a gym, an art room, a music room, or perhaps simply a place to relax.

However, your precious valuables can be at risk. Garage doors are a potential weak point in security. Thieves tend to get through them quickly and even access your home via the garage.

Keeping that in mind, we have come up with a few tips to help you improve the security of your garage.

1. Ensure that your remote has security features to prevent hacking

Garage door openers have been part of housing schemes for quite a time. If your house is older than ten years, the door technology is probably outdated. The door opener might not have the features to protect the garage door against modern hackers.

Modern door remotes tend to have rolling codes these days. The code that opens the door constantly changes so that a thief cannot intercept your remote’s signal and use it on a later occasion.

However, the High-end Security Features are useless if you lose your remote. Therefore, you should keep an eye out for your remote at all times. Never leave your garage door open, as robbers can tamper with the opener’s features and render them useless.

2. Install lighting around your garage

Have you ever wondered why thieves carry about their business at night? It’s because they need the dark to stay hidden from the eyes of cameras and people. However, installing lighting around your garage can render their activities useless.

Coupled with that, you can have motion-activated sensors and cameras that will pick up thieves whenever they set foot on your porch.

However, you must ensure that any greenery or other landscaping features do not block the garage from view. You want the thieves to be spotted by the cameras and the neighbors.

Also, the lighting should be focused on possible entry points for robbers, such as windows and garage walls.

Install a motion-activated camera for security

Install a motion-activated camera for security

3. Install a motion-activated camera for security

A motion sensor does not only keep a check on intruders. It alerts you of any activity within your garage’s vicinity too. A lighting system helps it in this function by allowing the cameras to take a clearer picture. You can even use an electronic doorbell system to communicate with whoever might be at your door.

4. Hide your valuables from view in the garage

A thief’s interest is much less likely to be piqued if they don’t see any valuable items lying around. You should ensure that you lock up all costly and steal-worthy items properly. Therefore, even if the thief gets a peek inside, they won’t see anything worth stealing. You can use frosted glass windows to enhance this feature.

Get a fence installed around your yard

Get a fence installed around your yard

5. Get a fence installed around your yard

If you already haven’t, you should consider this option. Thieves have to risk jumping over the fence to gain any access to your garage. It leaves them vulnerable to being spotted, so they mostly do not take that chance. Instead, they prefer a lesser defended target.

If you want a fence you and your neighbors can see through, you can always go for a wrought iron one.

6. Request the neighbors to keep an eye out for you

Who says staying on friendly terms with your neighbors doesn’t help in the long run? You can ask them to look out for anyone acting suspiciously. A thief planning to steal something from your house will camp in their car outside. While plotting their plan, they leave their number plate visible to eyewitnesses.

Social media and the internet have made communication much more straightforward. One person spotting a thief can alert the entire neighborhood.

Check your locks

Check your locks

7. Check your locks

Check the locks on all the entry points of your garage each night. Ensure that the garage door has a sturdy lock and that no keys are lying anywhere a thief could find them.

If you own an attached garage, you should install a deadbolt on the door between the house and the garage. Another wise move would be to install a security camera in your garage or Automated Security Gates to keep a lookout for thieves.

8. Reinforce your garage door

Install a security bar or lock on your garage door. Then, no thief can access it even with the remote. Also, reinforce your garage door’s panels to prevent a thief from kicking it in. This reinforcement also protects your door from accidents or storm damage.

If you have higher-quality security needs, a security grille is another option. It rolls over your garage door and protects it.

Bottom Line

Is your garage full of valuables you want to keep safe? Do you want to keep thieves off your yard? This article will give you all the security tips you need. Give it a read, and you won’t be disappointed.